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Selectmen Minutes 01/06/2009

Chichester Board of Selectmen
January 6, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  
Department Heads present: David Kenneally, Road Agent; Patrick Clarke, Police Chief; Gil Vien, Fire Chief; John Uitts, Deputy Fire Chief ; Steve Stock, Forest Fire Warden
Budget Committee members present: Lucille Noel, Bruce Dyke, Norm Larochelle, Lisa Drouse, Scott Marston, John Martell, Jason Weir
Space Needs Committee members present: Mike Paveglio, Earl Weir, and Barbara Frangione
Others present: Jamie Pike, Evelyn Pike, Carolee Davison, Elaine Coffey, Ina Hilliard, and Alan Mayville

Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

FFW Budget proposal -   Mr. Stock presented his justifications for the budget increases proposed.  At issue were the requests for cell phone and mileage reimbursements and the increase in training.  After much discussion, the cell phone request remained as proposed and the training line was reduced by $500.

PD renovations- Chief Clarke spoke to the group summarizing what work the Space Needs Committee has done to alleviate the liability issues and address the lack of space currently at the police department.  Originally, Chief Clarke had proposed an addition to the existing Safety Building, described in the Capital Improvement Plan for 2010.  After an inspection of the current police department offices by the Risk Services Division of the Local Government Center, several immediate liability issues were addressed.  The SNC was formed to plan the long term expansion project and soon realized a more immediate short term plan was needed.  The committee researched temporary office trailers to rent or purchase as well as in town commercial office space.  Once realizing the amount of money with no return on the expense, the committee turned their attention to renovation of the current space and with cooperation from the fire department, and support from Chief Vien, a committee member himself, have come up with a more efficient design of the current space that the police department utilizes on the lower level of the Safety Building.  A conceptual plan was shared with the group. (A more detailed synopsis including minutes, a cost comparison chart and the plan, is available on the Town website.) The SNC estimate the cost (materials only) of this renovation to be close to $30,000.  The committee recommends to the Board to include this item on the warrant.

Chairman DeBold proposed an alternative funding method.  In light of this difficult economic climate, Chairman DeBold asked his fellow Board members to consider redefining priorities and forgo the upgrade to the HVAC system  proposed on the warrant for the Grange Building and support funding of the more immediate need at the police department.  The Board was in full agreement that the issues facing the police department were a higher priority and gave their full support to the project proposal.  Further, the HVAC warrant article was proposed to use funds from the Town Facilities Capital Reserve Fund.  The Town gave their support in 2007 for the Board of Selectmen to be agents of this fund and spend the money necessary for maintenance and repairs of the townís facilities as the Board saw fit unless the dollar amount exceeded $4,000, at which time a public hearing would be scheduled to allow for taxpayerís input. Going on record that in his opinion a public hearing would be sufficient, Chairman DeBold made a motion to hold a public hearing to expend the amount of $29,000 (amount available less the Community Bldg. paving project) from the Town Facilities Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of renovations to the police department offices within the Safety Building.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion, the Chairman called for the vote, motion passed unanimously.  


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BOS minutes
January 6, 2009

The group began review of the budget by first discussing current revenues and next yearís prediction of revenues.  Overall, due largely to the lack of surplus revenue available to offset the tax rate, revenues are down by $228,000.  This means that even with a flat line budget, more money will need to be raised in taxes to cover current expenditures.  Selectman MacCleery presented the town portion of the tax rate over the last five years stating this represents a 57% percent increase on the town side.  The question was raised as to whether or not the town portion of the tax rate as reflective in the pie chart (listed in the town report) went up.  

The budget review began in earnest.  Ms. Drouse having annualized all legal expense lines as asked previously by the group, made the recommendation to reduce the selectmenís legal line by $5,000.  When the budget discussion reached the police department, Chief Clarke addressed the group regarding his frustration with comments made (after he left the meeting) regarding his distribution of a portion of his COLA to his subordinates in an attempt to remain competitive and retain the trained officers currently on the roster. Patrick expressed his disappointment with a BC member for making a comment, having never seen the chiefís timesheet or knowledge of the amount of hours the chief works on a weekly basis and further Patís disappointment with the BOS for not speaking up, because they approve his timesheet every week.     

After further review of the proposed extra coverage line, it was deemed adequate for this year but the group was cautioned that a mechanism must be derived to budget for accrued employee benefits as in the case when personnel is out sick and additional coverage is needed, this amounts to two employees receiving compensation for the same shift worked.  

A lengthy discussion was held regarding fuel costs and projections for price per gallon.  An average cost for gasoline was derived at $2.75 per gallon to be used across all departments.  An average price for diesel fuel was determined at $3.45 per gallon.  Going forward, the BC and the BOS would like to see all departments project cost based on gallons used, not dollar amount spent.    

Library Trustee Carolee Davison submitted documentation requested by the committee as to circulation counts and tasks performed by the librarian.  The library has proposed additional work hours for the librarian (hours not open to the public) which will trigger qualification of benefits.  Chairman DeBold supports the library proposal.  Selectmen MacCleery & Jordan do not support the proposal, the BC voted 4-2 against, with one member abstaining.  At issue was not the need for additional hours to compensate for the work currently being handled by the trustees and volunteers, but the triggering of benefits.  The group suggested to the library a more cost effective approach of hiring an assistant.  This allows for gradual growth in the position and an additional staff member trained in the job function.   The trustees will meet to discuss this with the librarian and submit a revised proposal prior to the budget public hearing on February 3.  

In review of the highway budget, the group reduced the fuel line to $25,000 and again reiterated that the costs for sand/salt also should reflect tonnage used and not money spent.

To date the group has received no response from their request for additional information from the Old Home Day Committee to support the OHD committeeís request for an additional $2,000.

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BOS minutes
January 6, 2009

At this time, the BC and the BOS were not in favor of doubling that budget line and the Selectmen directed Lisa to send out another letter notifying chairman Luikmil of this decision and also that the request may be re-visited at public hearing.   

Selectman Jordan commented that he has a problem with the 3.5% COLA increase and wants to re-visit the issue.  Selectman Jordan stated people out on the street are beside themselves and he fears the cost of living increase will be voted out at town meeting.  Mr. Weir questioned why then did Mr. Jordan vote for the employees of the BCEP to receive a 5% increase.  Mr. Larochelle responded that he too sits on the BCEP committee and he voted for the increase because they (BCEP) generate their own revenue, the money was there, the BCEP is able to afford the increase within themselves.  This sparked debate on where the funding for BCEP comes from.  Mr. Weir commented that when you have good employees, you pay to keep them.  No formal proposal or dollar amount was presented.  

Due to the lateness of the hour, the group decided to schedule an additional meeting to discuss the warrant and articles associated with it.  The meeting was scheduled for January 20th, at 7pm.


The one-ton has blown a clutch and is in for repair.  Mr. Kenneally confirmed that the Board was notified of Mr. Vienís workers compensation injury and stated Mr. Vien is out of work at this time due to no light or modified duty available.  Mr. Mayville has been hired out at this time and Mr. Kenneally is still looking at trucks and options.  This sparked a tempered conversation between the Road Agent and Selectmen Jordan and MacCleery.  Selectman MacCleery stated that he was very upset with the Road Agent.  Selectman MacCleery stressed the point that the Road Agent had ample time to inform the Board of this action and did not do so.  Chairman DeBold questioned, how much leeway in judgment is the Board going to give to the Road Agent in an emergency situation?  Why does he need to come to us in an emergency situation?  Selectman MacCleery responded that David had time to get the Boardís permission in this instance.  Selectman MacCleery also questioned whether or not this contractor had adequate insurance coverage and if that insurance coverage included liability coverage while using a chainsaw.  

Mr. Kenneally stated he did not disagree that he should have come to the Board and stated there was no reason why he didnít.  David stated he felt he did what he had to do to get the town roads plowed.  

Mr. Kenneally gave some information on a used truck available at Liberty International in Manchester.Tires are good ñ hydraulics and a high wing are on it ñ 52,000 miles-small rust spot under the gas pedal ñ foot shorter body than the international - $15,000. Selectman Jordan is not in favor of the town owning their own equipment.  Take this recent injury as an example; there is no driver available to drive the trucks we have sitting there.  Should the Board agree to buy this additional truck, a part-time driver or flagger must be hired.  Mr. Kenneally stated that Mr. Blackey is working out very well and is not experiencing any problems with the ìblue gooseî (blue plow truck).  Mr. Kenneally questioned whether the current employee (out on workers comp.) wanted to plow snow as this was the second accident for that employee in as many winters.

 The Board directed the Road Agent to come back to them with firm numbers next week (the rust spot must be fixed at no expense to the town) on the 1997 Ford 6-wheeler, prior to a decision being made.  

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BOS minutes
January 6, 2009

David explained the costs associated with the recent invoice submitted by Bartlett Tree Service, stating that for two workers and a truck the cost was $140 per hour times an 8 hour day.  The Board agreed to send out the bill payment.  David alerted the Board to a potential complaint from Luke Stevens regarding costs for recent work performed during the same ice storm.  Mr. Kenneally had agreed on an hourly rate
with Mr. Stevens prior to the work being performed and when the bill was submitted, the costs were substantially higher.

The Board discussed their top five candidates to interview for the vacant building inspector position.  Lisa will schedule for next week.

Selectmen MacCleery updated the Board on his discussion with the Health Officer regarding the un-inhabitable conditions determined by them during their inspection at the Locke property on King Road.  It is Selectman MacCleeryís opinion that any testing should be at the expense of the property owner not the town.

A second quote for an energy assessment at the Safety Building has been received.  The Board is firm that three quotes must be received.  Chairman DeBold will follow-up on a third contractor.    

The Board briefly discussed whether or not the Parks & Recreation warrant article could be funded from Capital Reserve money instead of being raised by taxation.  Chairman DeBold will discuss the possibility with the commission as that money is slated for future work listed in the Capital Improvements Plan.

The Board accepted the resignation of Chris Weir as a voting member of the Planning Board.  The Board appointed alternate Richard Moore as a voting Planning Board member in his place.

The Board has received notification from WSG Holdings (Tractor Supply) that they are cooperating with the town to correct any lighting violations that may have occurred during construction.    

Mail and correspondence were reviewed. Accounts payable and payroll were signed with the exception of the Mayville invoice. Selectman Jordan & MacCleery were not in favor of signing at this time and cited 30 days in which to pay the invoice.

 Being no further business for this evening, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 12:20AM.  

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                                    Approved As Written
Administrator                                                                           1/13/2009

______________________           _______________________                _______________________  
Richard DeBold, Chairman                  Stephen MacCleery                     Jeffrey Jordan